Foundation in Light -2015/16 – Introductory Presentation

Foundation in Light – Introductory Presentation

Friday 27th February 2015 – 7pm to 8:30pm

The Hope Centre, Hampden Rd, Sale

Come along and find out more about this unique course. Presentation, Q&A and Meditation.

Free of charge– all welcome.

A 12 month introduction to Healing ,Meditation & Metaphysics of Disease

An Understanding of the Human Energy Field & Journey of the Soul

Introducing Reflexology, Crystal Healing, Soul Recall

A Framework and support to enhance your personal spiritual journey

For further information please contact us at


Hampden Buildings, Hampden Rd, SALE, M33 7UB

Tel:  0161 973 9130   E-mail:

Intro Day 2015-16 update

Foundation in Light – NEW COURSE BEGINS APRIL 4th 2015

Foundation in Light


The Foundation in Light is a unique course in the spiritual understanding and working knowledge necessary to nurture and develop a life in healing – whether for yourself and those around you, or to take a healing path into a career as a therapist. This course provides all the building blocks for a Foundation to reach into, and towards, all your potentials. Many students have found the course to be truly life changing

The course is over 12 months and there will be a Certificate of Completion which assists entry on all The Light of Hope CIC College of Light Diploma courses, although it is not necessarily a pre-requisite to those courses. The ‘Foundation’ course is experiential and aims to develop good spiritual ‘housekeeping’ of both a personal and environmental nature, and will be of interest to all, whether or not a career in healing is the ultimate goal.

The ‘Foundation’ course encompasses all aspects of personal energy, meditation and self-healing techniques. It brings an appreciation and understanding of holistic therapies – why and how they work. Students will experience healing – both giving and receiving. Dimensions beyond the physical will be covered – including guides, angels, masters; life beyond the physical and connections to those who have passed to the light.

An understanding of the many levels of life beyond our physical and planetary nature is key to our role on the earth at this time and the course aims to give the individual a very real perspective to their own place in the divine plan.

The course includes attendance at ‘Steps’ teachings which are held monthly (in the evening) at Sale on the last Monday of each month (unless a bank holiday when brought forward a week).

♥ Each student will be allocated a personal mentor to guide and support their development

♥ Students, as part of their personal development, will be required to attend a minimum of two evening group meditations per month. They may attend as many meditations as they wish.

♥ There will be a student card pass ‘Ticket to Light’ which will access all available events to ‘Foundation’ students.

♥ The ‘Foundation in Light’ course is non-denominational and open to all irrespective of religious, social or academic background

♥ Students who do not register for the total ‘Foundation’ course may attend each study day or event separately and individually, and pay accordingly.

COURSE FEES: 10% deposit of £52.80 and 12 monthly payments of £39.60 by standing order (total payable £528.00). OR Full payment in advance £448.80. (15% discount)

Concessions: 10% discount for full-time Students, Senior Citizens and those receiving Income For more information or to reserve your place, please contact:

The Hope Centre (Manchester)
Hampden Buildings, Hampden Road
Sale, Cheshire, M33 7UB

Telephone: 0161 973 9130



Well of Hope – Up and Running

Thanks to all those who supported our fund raising to help our friends in Ghana.

The new well has been completed and is serving around 10,000 inj the local villages. The project has also prompted interest from folk hearby who are, we understand looking at the possibilities for other facilities, supported by local people.

At a tiem when we see much misery and distress in the world, here is soem good news and hoprfully the ripples will create more positivity.

Thanks again


New Friday Tai Chi & Qi Gong class starting 5th July 11am

From FridaTai Chiy July 5th 2013 there will be a weekly Tai Chi and Qi Gong class at the Hope Centre in Sale and will run until December 6th 2013.

Class will start at 11 am for 1 hour and will cost £5, no booking necessary.  Just turn up in lose comfortable clothing and take your first step towards a better, healthier you 🙂

We will be practising our 8 step and 8 treasures (Eight Pieces of Brocade or Baduanjin qigong) which has been a source of health and well-being for many thousands of years

 Baduanjin qigong (Eight Treasures)  is one of the most common forms of Chinese qigong used as exercise Variously translated as Eight Pieces of Brocade, Eight-Section Brocade, Eight Silken Movements and others, the name of the form generally refers to how the eight individual movements of the form characterize and impart a silken quality (like that of a piece of brocade) to the body and its energy. Baduanjin is primarily designated as a form of medical qigong to aid health and well-being rather than a religious or martial forms of qigong.

For more information please check out the Tai Chi page or contact me here.

You are never too old or young to learn Tai Chi and I look forward to meeting you soon.


Hope Center
Hampden Road
M33 7UB