About Light of Hope CIC
Welcome to the Light of Hope C.I.C.
We are a group of committed light workers who work together providing healing and teaching. Our mission is to offer hope and healing and meditation to all, through an holistic and heart-centred approach.
We aim to teach the science of metaphysics, healing, meditation and understanding of the human energy field (aura) to as wide an audience as possible. Awareness of our spiritual nature and the eternal journey of the soul are at the core of all our work.
We are a non-denominational group and have an “open door” policy. All are welcome and are free to come and go as they please and as their personal journey dictates. We acknowledge and respect all faiths as being different chosen routes to the same ultimate destination.
Over the years we have built our healing clinics, college, meditation groups and workshops and have opened an holistic shop, an apothecary and music project. We have had centres in Manchester and Halifax with membership throughout the UK.
We thank you for joining us at this time and hope you enjoy our website.
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Why have we become a CIC instead of a charity?
We were in negotiation with the Charity Commission lawyers for over 2 yrs, providing the evidence and background that they requested. Eventually their decision was that certain of our activities were not deemed to be charitable under the law. In particular our approach to ongoing healing for those who may not be considered medically “sick” was not acceptable. Enhancement of well being and the maintenance of good health through therapy and other practice was not, in law, considered as charitable.
In addition, some of our therapies (such as Crystal Healing and other energy field work) do not have wide enough support from the scientific and medical establishment to satisfy the Charity Commission lawyers. Our own evidence, client testimonials and support from various G.Ps and specialists was not considered to be extensive enough or sufficiently independent to be admissible.
There is no doubt that charitable status is exactly right for many who wish to further charitable objectives and it is likely that most organisations operating for the public benefit (and who are eligible for charity status) will choose to be charities, not least for the fiscal advantages. However, at the present time the obstacles to charitable status were considered to be insurmountable without compromising our holistic approach and our healing philosophy.
The advent of the CIC has enabled us to remain true to our principles, continue to incorporate the full range of Holistic Therapies and teaching of the Human Energy Field and to be formally acknowledged as working for the good of the community and not seeking private gain.
What is a CIC?
A CIC is a new type of company, designed for social enterprises that want to use their profits and assets for the public good. CICs will have the flexibility and certainty of the company form, but with some special features to ensure they are working for the benefit of the community.
What is a Social Enterprise?
“A social enterprise” is a business with primarily social objectives whose surpluses are principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for shareholders and owners. The Light of Hope CIC will benefit the community through healing and through the training of therapists. We will continue to promote the benefits of meditation through our regular group sessions and through connection with businesses and organisations who wish their staff to benefit from meditation through relaxation.
Why are CICs needed?
Social enterprises are an exciting and fast-growing sector. Yet some of the legal forms were originally designed for completely different types of organisation. The Government wants to support the sector by creating a modern and appropriate legal vehicle and to help raise their profile.
What’s wrong with existing legal forms?
Currently companies that do not have charitable status find it difficult to ensure that their assets are dedicated to public benefit. There is no simple, clear way of locking assets to a public benefit purpose other than applying for charitable status. The Community Interest Company will help to meet the need for a transparent, flexible model, clearly defined and easily recognised.
In what ways do CICs differ from charities?
Charities must be established exclusively for charitable purposes: CICs can be established for any lawful purpose, as long as their activities are carried on for the benefit of the community.
Charities have certain tax advantages that CICs do not have.
In return for those advantages, charities are subject to more onerous regulation than CICs.
The CIC legal form was specifically designed to provide a purpose-built legal framework and a “brand” identity for social enterprises that want to adopt the limited company form.
CICs will be free to operate more “commercially” than charities (e.g. CICs limited by shares can pay dividends to individual shareholders, subject to a cap), but stakeholders in CICs will still have the assurance of community benefit provided by the asset lock and transparency about their activities ability through the community interest report.
What is the Community Interest Test and what is it meant to achieve?
Community interest is the heart of the CIC and the Community Interest Test is what differentiates CICs from other not-for-profit organisations. Demonstrating community interest is of value to those seeking grant funding or philanthropic investment. The test is intended to be light touch. To become a CIC, an organisation would need to satisfy the regulator that its purposes could be regarded by a reasonable person as being in the community or wider public interest. It will also be asked to confirm that access to the benefits it provides will not be confined to an unduly restricted group.
How will CICs be financed?
Like other social enterprises, CICs will find funds from a variety of sources, including grants and donations, loans from high street banks and other institutions.
What is the asset lock?
The asset lock will be established in legislation, and will prohibit CICs from distributing their assets or profits to their members, except to the extent permitted where CICs issue equity. The lock will not prevent CICs from using their assets efficiently in pursuit of community benefit; for instance, they will be able to use assets as collateral for finance. The regulator will be responsible for ensuring that the asset lock is maintained, and stakeholders who believe that it is being breached will be able to ask the regulator to take action.
Who will decide whether a company can be a CIC?
The CICs regulator will consider whether applications meet the criteria to become a CIC. If satisfied, the regulator will advise the registrar in Companies House who, providing all the documents are in order, will issue a certificate of incorporation as a CIC.
Does a CIC need to file any additional documents once it’s been incorporated?
Yes, a CIC will be required to file with its accounts an annual community interest report which will be placed on the public record at Companies House and will be copied to the CIC Regulator. The report will need to include details of the remuneration of the directors, the dividends paid on shares and the interest paid on capped loans. It will also need to explain what the CIC has done to benefit the community and how it has involved its shareholders in its activities.
For further details about CICs visit www.cicregulator.gov.uk