
Meditation through relaxation

Guided meditations suitable for complete beginners and experienced practitioners alike. Our groups are non-denominational and our approach is based on relaxation and visualisation.

Your first visit to the Hope Centre is free. Thereafter the cost is £ 4 in the evening and £3 at lunchtime.

Manchester Meditation Times
Meditation at Manchester will start at 7.30pm prompt, doors will open at 7.00pm for alignments.

Tuesday 7.00pm for 7.30pm start
Wednesday 12.30pm for 12:45 start
Thursday 7.00pm for 7.30pm start

PLEASE NOTE: From week commencing 9th September 2024, ONLY Thursday evening meditation sessions will continue (7.00pm for 7.30pm start).

We have found that to meditate in a group is often an ideal way to begin to grow confidence in your meditation practice. We offer an “open-door” for anyone to join us for meditation at our Centre and here you can benefit from both an enhanced energy and from the support and understanding of others. Our groups are informal, friendly and include all walks of life and levels of experience.


Meditation is a gift to bestow upon yourself. Everyone can meditate – if you have the ability to sit, or be in a comfortable position, close your eyes and listen to music and spoken guidance, then you have all that is required to meditate and simply by taking a few minutes each day to meditate you will help yourself to better general health and well-being. Your ability to intuit will improve, thus facilitating more positive choices in your life and achievement of your life plan.

Meditation slows the bodies of the physical, emotional and mental and helps you to lift to the spiritual. It enables the body to release negative energies and allows the replenishment of positive energy. Many experience improved sleep patterns and greater vitality during the day.

Meditation has been proclaimed a stress-buster in our time. It is much more than that, it is the key to our very existence. To meditate daily is to connect to your true potential and to realise it.

Many have very complex methods of meditation; this is not necessary. Meditation through relaxation is simple and peaceful, safe yet powerful. It will offer you the greatest tool for self-healing, one that you may practice at any time and in any place you wish.

Additionally, we offer

WORKSHOPS – Throughout the year we offer evening courses and day workshops for those with no previous experience of meditation and for those who may wish to refresh and enhance their practice and understanding. Please contact us for the date and venue of our next workshop.

GROUP MEDITATION – If you have a group of people interested in an introduction to relaxation/meditation, or wish to form a meditation group, we will be delighted to discuss how we might help.

STRESS MANAGEMENT/IMPROVING WORKING LIVES – We are happy to work with employers and work groups who may wish to examine relaxation/meditation and energy alignment practice as part of their general ‘improving working lives’ strategy. Simple techniques can be taught and developed to reduce stress, improve efficiency and general well being in the workplace.

Please contact us to discuss your particular interest/requirements.