STEPS Teaching of the Ascended Masters ~ a unique program of 12 monthly evening presentations.

Teachings of the Ascended Masters in a unique programme of 12 monthly presentations.

The evening presentations are included in the Foundation in Light course but are open to everyone (no need to book). The cost is £7 for the evening.

  1. INDIVIDUALITY – The eternal journey of the soul and its quest for self-realisation.
  2. POLARITY – Positive duality. The divine masculine/feminine in personal and planetary relationship. Religious traditions east and west.
  3. UNITY – Trinity of energy. The multiplication of spiritual Light within the body. Magnification of Light – miracles.
  4. FOUNDATION – The squaring of the circle. Structure and form. Matrix patterns of the Soul. The four lower bodies of mankind.
  5. CO-OPERATION – Spiritual action in community. Precipitation. Power of the spoken word.
  6. CYCLES – The Law of Cause and Effect; Karma. Return of energy. “That which ye sow, so shall ye reap”.
  7. MANSIONS OF THE SOUL – Realms and spheres. Dimensions, form and formlessness. The spiritual hierarchy; Elemental life, Angels, Guides and Masters.
  8. HARMONY – Balance and flow. Giving and receiving. Creating abundance. Consciousness of peace.
  9. COMPLETION – Integrating past experience with present action and awareness. Dynamic flow. Acceleration.
  10. CONSTANCY – Spiritual discipline. Application of spiritual practice. Non-reaction/non-attachment. Forgiveness. Letting go.
  11. GATEWAY – Challenge of opportunity; the gift of the Soul. The action of free will. Resistance and acceptance.
  12. MASTERY – Equilibrium. Maximum achievement with minimum effort. The ability to remain undisturbed by adverse influence, environment or opinion.
  13. STEP Thirteen is the energy of Initiation – An opportunity for soul progression throught application of the 12 Steps