Update 7/8/2020


We have had a few enquiries following the latest guidelines and restrictions announced a couple of days ago.

We are still running our normal sessions at the usual times (Tuesday 7.30, Wednesday, 12.45 and Thursday 7.30. We are not affected by the recent Greater Manchester additional restrictions which relate to residential and not commercial premises.

We are however affected by the national guidelines which now require masks to be worn in “Places of Worship”” and Community Centres etc (as well as several other types of premises). The new rules come into force on 8 August so from next week masks will need to be worn for Meditation unless you are exempt for medical reasons.

Apart from the masks we continue to operate as we have done for the past few weeks. Numbers are limited and guests need to sanitise on arrival. We are not doing refreshments, alignments or congregating in the communal room. 2m social distance is maintained in the meditation room and people will arrive and leave keeping that distance.

The areas of the centre including chairs, door handles, lockers etc are sanitised after each session to minimise the risks to guests and staff.

We look forward to welcoming you back. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact us.

Kind regards

The Hope Centre Team